Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why I believe this film is a work of art (movie spoiler)

Most people may not have seen the movie "The Gamer" but it really blew me away. Just the whole concept of reality might be controlled by someone else asides from you. It's like the Matrix but with a more realistic approach. The Matrix pushed the viewer to believe that the real world wasn't real at all, but just a computer program to keep humans thinking they were living normal lives when they were really just plugged up to be used as a battery for machines. The Gamer took a more head on approach that is more, you could say, viable to my generation. The concept of taking a nanite (my spelling might be wrong), and having it take complete control of the natural brain cells and replacing them with replicated nanite cells that allow receiving controls from an outside source in a different area. I find this movie a work of art in a sense that it makes you think outside of the box and think how we're freighteningly close to that in reality. We have technology now that allows someone to feel the sensations of reality through the virtual world. Soon reality might not be reality after all, but just some game for us to visit reality so we can have the sensation of the real world without the fears of reality itself.

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